Our spiritual journey is the foundation of our strength, guiding us through life's challenges with grace and resilience.


We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws. Failure is a man-made concept and can be seen as teachers.


We can't control the world around us but we're in control of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Responding is healthier than reacting.

I'm Magda

Those who know me well would describe me as a mother, wife, Jesus lover, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may want to label us and put us in boxes of personality types, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. Let's live! Free from who we think we should be and the expectations we put on others. Let's start living the fulfilling lives we were created to enjoy.

Join me on a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, self-love, humility, forgiveness, and unapologetic confidence.

My Story


With a heart rooted in compassion and guided by my faith, I am dedicated to the journey of healing, personal growth, and destinies filled with purpose. When we've experienced the pain of abuse, abandonment, and the weight of being silenced, we can easily feel diminished, our identities get blurred, and we start believing that we need to soften our authentic voice and values. As a follower of Jesus, I hold dear the principles of love, truth, and genuine care for others. My approach is not about reinforcing the facade that society demands but about breaking free from the chains of limiting beliefs and rediscovering one's inherent worth, freedom to choose, and authentic values.

Recovering wholeness is about supporting individuals on their healing journeys, encouraging them to rediscover their inner strength, inherent design, destiny and legacy.

Experiencing restoration of what has been lost and obscured through life's difficulties, even if at first, we only start with winning on the inside.


"I suffered from severe self-doubt and trust issues that led to deep depression. It took precious time but we found a safe pathway on which I now find myself running with ease, even low-flying at times"

C. A

"Coaching helped me realize what mental wellbeing is. I'm liberated, easily tapping into new levels of creativity. Magda's practical encouragement has motivated me to show up fully in my own life again"

E. M